
Ejemplar (Padrillo)

Abuelo Materno

1 Auca (Cat Scan) ha 13 CHIchi Cat Scan (Storm Cat) Wiwi Saddad
2 Kobyla (Lookin At Lucky) hc 13 CHIchi Lookin At Lucky (Smart Strike) Wicha Worldwatch
3 Luckita (Lookin At Lucky) ha 13 CHIchi Lookin At Lucky (Smart Strike) Ship With Us Winged Victory
4 Mancaqui (Tumblebrutus) hm 13 CHIchi Tumblebrutus (Storm Cat) Miss of Wales Roy
5 Murrinumo (Sightseeing) mc 13 CHIchi Sightseeing (Pulpit) Moussaka Swain
6 Pastrami (Tumblebrutus) mm 13 CHIchi Tumblebrutus (Storm Cat) Nougatine Honour and Glory
7 Quipu (Send Inthe Clowns) hm 13 CHIchi Send Inthe Clowns (Know Heights) Quenelle Hardy ll
8 Tangananica (Soldier Of Fortune) mc 13 CHIchi Soldier Of Fortune (Galileo) Maribuza Doneraile Court
9 Vin Santo (Sightseeing) mt 13 CHIchi Sightseeing (Pulpit) Showcase Tumblebrutus
10 Zanazapa (Sightseeing) hm 13 CHIchi Sightseeing (Pulpit) Lady of Wales Stormin Fever